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4.1 – Current

4.1.1 – Details 

Displays the goal of that Sprint. The goal is what the PO expects to accomplish by the end of the Sprint, and what shall guide the team throughout the entire Sprint.

This page also shows details such as start and end dates, number of days remaining, Sprint’s status, and the number of expected and finished points.

A Sprint may have the following statuses:

  • Not Started – Sprint already planned, however it has not been initiated yet (Its starting date has not been reached yet).
  • Open – Activities stage has already begun and the team is currently working on it.
  • Review – Activities stage has ended and Tasks shall have been completed. Review stage has begun.
  • Retrospective – Review stage has ended. Waiting for Retrospective meeting/ongoing Retrospective meeting.
  • Closed – Sprint is finished and no more interactions are expected for this specific Sprint.
  • Cancelled – Sprint has been cancelled. Usually when the PO thinks the Sprint goal is totally compromised. Very rare, but eventually might be necessary.

4.1.2 – Burndown 

The Sprint Burndown graph shows how the Sprint is progressing throughout the time period assigned, using a scoring system. The dotted blue line is a reference of how the work should uniformly advance. The red line represents the actual progress the team is making.

To enlarge the graph, simply click on it. To print or save, click the menu on the top right corner.

4.1.3 – Sprint Backlog 

Lists the Items selected for a Sprint, in order of priority, title, aggregated value, or points. It also allows adding or removing Items while the Sprint has a status of Open. Items added during the Sprint are marked as extras.

The icons show the items statuses: not started, started, impeded, finished.

Modifying the list of selected items is not recommended, however, it can be done in extreme cases.