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3.1 – Product Backlog Item

Backlog items are the agile way of handling requirements. On Product Backlog/Current, new items are added by pressing the “+ Item” button existent on the Backlog. Items can be defined as: Features, meaning it is something new to be worked on; Bug, i.e., a correction of past work; Epic, an item not yet detailed; or Technical, something your team need to work on to improve your product that don’t translate directly to value a user can perceive.

To create new items in the Product Backlog using predefined templates, locate and click on the Item button with the icon in the upper right corner of the page, immediately to the right of the “+ Item” button. Select the Template on which the created item will be based and confirm. Do not forget to change the name of the Item to specify whom it refers to.

If you are a PO, you can accept an item at the same time you create it. If not, your new item will be placed on the Submitted list.

Besides the name and description fields, items have two other noteworthy information we describe below.

3.1.1 – Estimate 

Estimate is a system of points awarded to Items by the team, in order to indicate the degree of difficulty to implement it. A modified Fibonacci sequence is normally used as the score system, however, any scale can be used as the score system, including how many man hours will be necessary to complete the Item. In addition, this score system is used to calculate the velocity of the team, so that the proper set of Items is included in a specific Sprint.

Notice: Items can only be included in a Sprint if estimated. Only Team and Scrum Master roles can estimate items on BeePlus.

3.1.2 – Added Value 

The added value is a notion that allows the system to measure the value created by an economic agent. It is the additional value that acquires goods and services as they are transformed during the productive process. In a company, the added value is the additional contribution of a resource, activity or process for the manufacturing of a product or presentation of a service (definition adapted from Wikipedia).

The added value in BeePlus is a value without a pre-defined scale, to be used by the PO to indicate how much an Item contributes for the Project objective and consequently to the business. It is an optional info, so the PO/team may disregard it. It is important to note that the PO is responsible for maximizing project’s ROI.

A scale like the one below may be used. Make sure the scale you use is not easily mixed up with the estimation from the Item.

  • 000 – no added value;
  • 100 – low added value;
  • 500 – medium added value;
  • 1000 – high added value.